Privacy Policy

These policies relate to information that we at Archon Energy gather about you and the use that we make of it in the course of our business. Your use of this website shows your acceptance of these terms.

Archon Energy may collect personally identifying information during contest, sweepstakes, commerce transactions and site membership registration. Such information includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Social media identifiers
  • Credit card number (for commerce transactions)
  • Social security number (for contest/sweepstakes winners to comply with tax laws).

In addition, information is collected in certain portions of the site in which guests specifically and knowingly provide such information along with content submissions, contact forms, community postings (i.e., chat or bulletin boards), suggestions or voting. Archon Energy may use such information for editorial and feedback purposes (to the extent that is explained when guests provide the information).

By submitting an email address through a contact form, you consent to receive correspondence as it pertains to your inquiry. In addition, your email address will be added to a database for future marketing efforts. You may opt-out at any time by emailing us.

Archon Energy Generally Avoids Sharing Information With Third Parties

Archon Energy may share Information with third party service providers it employs to perform functions and provide services for you and the website, subject to the terms of this policy, and only to the extent necessary to process payments; to prevent, detect, and investigate fraud or other prohibited activities; to facilitate dispute resolution, such as chargebacks or refunds; and for other purposes associated with the acceptance of credit or debit cards.

Archon Energy may share your credit or debit card numbers with third party payment services providers or card networks, only to the extent necessary to monitor card transactions at participating merchants and track redemption activity for the purposes of providing card-linked services.

Additionally, Archon Energy will share data with Google pursuant to Google’s privacy policy for Google Analytics, found at:

Policies For Individuals 16 And Under

No information should be submitted to or posted on Archon Energy by children 16 years of age or under without their parent’s or guardian’s consent. Unless otherwise disclosed during collection.

Although children are allowed to participate in contests, children ages 16 and under must get their parent’s or guardian’s permission before entering any sweepstakes or contests. No information collected from children 16 years of age or under is used by Archon Energy for any marketing or promotional purposes whatsoever, either inside or outside Archon Energy.

Guests’ e-mail addresses are never posted on Archon Energy. Archon Energy encourages parents and guardians to spend time online with their children and to participate in the interactive activities offered on the sites.

Policies For Individuals Over 16 Years Of Age

Information submitted at the time of any form of registration by a guest who is over 16 years of age may be used for marketing and promotional purposes by Archon Energy. Archon Energy does not share this information with other companies. If a guest objects to such use for any reason, he/she may stop that use at any time by emailing us.

Use Of Cookies

Cookies are pieces of information that a Web site transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes while at the site. Cookies make Web-surfing easier by saving your passwords, purchases and preferences. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and you’ll find cookies at most major Web sites.

Archon Energy does not share information with any third parties whatsoever. Archon Energy does not use cookies to retrieve information from your computer that was not originally sent in a cookie.

Cookies help make Archon Energy better by showing how and when guests use the site. Many content improvements and updates are based on such data as total number of visitors and pages viewed. This statistical information is most easily tracked with cookies.

Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you’d prefer, you can set yours to refuse cookies. However, it is possible that some areas of the site will not function properly if you do so.

Additionally, Archon Energy will collect and share cookie data with Google pursuant to Google’s privacy policy for Google Analytics, found at:

Archon Energy reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying guests of the existence of a new privacy policy. Reasonable notice of changes will be posted on our website. Updated privacy policies will be posted here and will govern immediately after public posting. Continued use of the Archon Energy after notice of the changes has been posted to the website will be deemed acceptance of the changes, regardless of whether you actually reviewed the changes.

Review And Change Personally Identifying Information

Archon Energy does not maintain a way at this time for previously stored personally identifying information to be reviewed or changed by a user.

Do Not Track

Archon Energy does not presently honor do not track requests but does not interfere with Google Analytics’ policies with respect to such requests.

Third Party Website Tracking

Archon Energy does not share its customer’s data submitted through this website with third parties, nor does it acquire data from third parties for the purpose of tracking users of this website, except to the extent done so by Google Analytics.